Former President Trump has broken political norms by visiting one of the most deep-blue areas in New York City, a town not necessarily known for its kindness to Republicans.

Trump rallied a crowd of what his campaign estimated to be 25,000 supporters at Crotona Park in the Bronx on Thursday, far more than the initial 3,500 it said were expected to attend. Those numbers appeared to also include those lined up outside the event – who waited hours for a shot at getting inside even after the event began.

“I’m here tonight to declare we are going to turn New York City around, and we are going to turn it around very, very quickly,” Trump said after taking the stage, vowing to bring back safety and better schools to the city. “We are going to make New York bigger, better and greater than ever before.”

Trump praised the history of New York, but lamented that it was “now a city in decline.”

“I’ve never seen it quite like this,” he said, noting the violent crime taking place on subways and homeless encampments across the city.

Trump went on to rail against President Biden, saying he wasn’t “getting the job done” for the people of the Bronx, and that he was “grossly incompetent.”

“If a New Yorker can’t save this city, no one can,” Trump declared to loud cheers. “Who said we’re not going to win New York?”

The former president touted his visit on social media ahead of the rally, while his campaign declared he was “unafraid to bring his message to every borough of New York, to every corner of this great country, because he believes his message is a winning one.”

Trump was the first Republican presidential candidate to actively campaign for the general election in New York City in decades, and, should he pull off what many expect to be an impossible feat, would be the first to win the Empire State in 40 years.

Trump won less than 10% of the vote in the Bronx in his 2016 presidential election victory. His support in the Bronx edged up to 16% in his 2020 re-election defeat, with Biden winning 83.5% of the vote, but current polls suggest the former president is making more gains with Black and Hispanic voters.

Trump’s campaign thinks the former president can make a dent in Biden’s support among both demographics.

Many people in attendance told Fox News Digital that their main concerns in the upcoming election were the economy, inflation and illegal immigration. They said they believed President Biden’s performance on those issues would lead to more New Yorkers voting for Trump.