
As if most of us didn’t already know more than we ever wanted to know about pretend governor [sarc] of Georgia, Stacey Abrams, the lousy politician — judged solely by her win-loss record, of course — was at one time a “naughty novel writer” who actually penned three “steamy novels” under a pen name. Did you know that? I did not.

Then again, I’m hardly a Stacey Abrams aficionado. Chances are, neither are you.

Anyway, as BizPac Review reported, yes, prior to her failed Georgia gubernatorial run, Abrams was reportedly a “naughty novel writer” who enjoyed using “titillating” terms like embracing, bending, brushing, voracious, and turgid.

According to Vocabulary.com, as noted by BPR, “turgid” refers to something that’s “swollen, typically by fluids.” That, I wish I didn’t know. Particularly in reference to this story.

Moreover, Abrams wrote under the “sensual” pen name, “Selena Montgomery.”

As suggested in the tweet below, “Selena’s” “The Art of Desire,” “Rules of Engagement,” and “Power of Persuasion,” are the titles to be reissued.

Enter, Tucker Carlson. During a short segment on Tuesday’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Fox reporter Trace Gallagher stopped by with a report on the novels’ reissue for Tucker, and read a short passage from “The Art of Desire” as well.

“In their kiss, he tasted passion, forgotten chemistry, and her alarm at the loss of control. He felt her tremble as he kissed her hand in the moonlight.”

Tucker being Tucker — I say that with utmost admiration, in this case, because I’d do the same thing — vowed to read passages from the novels on-air after they’re re-released.

“We’ve got our producers on the case, and we’re going to have some dramatic readings for you because we can’t resist,” he said, as he laughed.