
The Washington Post in a recent correction revealed it printed falsified quotes attributed to former President Donald Trump.

A recording of Trump’s December 2020 phone call with an investigator working from Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s office was sent to media outlets last week.

In a March 11 update to a story originally published in January about the call, the paper acknowledged its story featured quotes that weren’t actually uttered during the conversation.

“The recording revealed that The Post misquoted Trump’s comments on the call, based on information provided by a source. Trump did not tell the investigator to ‘find the fraud’ or say she would be ‘a national hero’ if she did so,” the Jeff Bezos-owned paper, known for its severe anti-Trump slant, said in a correction.

“The headline and text of this story have been corrected to remove quotes misattributed to Trump,” it added.

No apology was included.