
White House investigative journalist Dr. Harper with the InterMountain Christian News and Israel news service ‘Newsrael’ wrote last week.   Dr. Harper described how that Biden White House press office started giving him a hard time by restricting his access to the Press Secretary Jennifer Psaki’s office after he started asking difficult questions on Biden’s historic surrender in Afghanistan.

Dr. Harper, who has been reporting from the White House for several years, now must have an escort before he addresses Jen Psaki in her office.

Said Dr. Harper, “I’ve had unrestricted access without an escort to the Press Secretary’s office for almost 5 years but now after my continuing and challenging Human Rights violation questions, they are giving me this problem.”

Dr. Harper says the Biden White House is very nervous about its human rights violations. Harper said the White House is also nervous about Afghan journalist Nazira Karimi who has attended briefings at the White House the past few weeks after the Taliban took over her country.