
It’s midterm election season and the excitement from the GOP is palpable. They can see the Biden-Harris regime struggling to keep from being hunted down like traitors. Meanwhile, Democrat lawmakers are dropping like flies, retiring rather than face what they believe to be an insurmountable clime.

Through it all, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are doing everything within their power to try to get their voter fraud legislation passed. That may be their only hope. But as America-First conservatives, we shouldn’t be so confident. In fact, we should be downright infuriated and motivated by the possibility that the Republican Establishment continues their reign over the part, even as they take back majorities in the House and the Senate.

Having Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the White House is the ideal scenario for RINOs like Mitch McConnell. They don’t want to pass legislation with a Republican president. They want to challenge the authority of a Democrat. This gives them the victim card that they enjoy while also allowing them to fundraise off of angst rather than having to defend their legislative accomplishments. The more ceremonial, symbolic legislation they can throw up to be vetoed, the better off they are.

We need America-First patriots with constitutional conservative values and a true desire to make America great again to represent the Republican Party in November. That means we need to win primaries with the right people. Getting a bunch of GOPe folks on Capitol Hill may help us get the coveted majority, but it’s a worthless and possibly even counterproductive majority if it’s just a bunch of RINOs, as usual.

This midterm, we need patriots to stand up and vote. We need to demand an end to the McConnell reign. We need to run ourselves if we feel the calling. Every midterm is called the most important midterm of our lives. This year, the PRIMARY elections are the most important of our lives, legitimately. We cannot continue down the road that the RINOs and their puppetmasters in the Democrat Party want to take us. We need fighters who care much more about America than they do about their membership in the DC Country Club.

On the latest episode of The JD Rucker Political Report on America Out Loud Talk Radio Network, I dove into this topic and also discussed the censorship that has hit us lately. By us, I mean a long line of cancelations and suppressions that I’ve been feeling on my web presence. The latest is email. We lost our third email provider in five months, so we’re finally moving the newsletter to jdrucker.substack.com. Find me there!